Waterfall, RAD and FDD

Waterfall, RAD and FDD

Waterfall, RAD and FDD

At smartData, we understand that one size does not fit all in the world of software development. That’s why we offer the flexibility to follow specific methodologies like Waterfall, Rapid Application Development (RAD), and Feature-Driven Development (FDD). Our adaptable approach ensures structured, phased development and rapid prototyping, allowing us to meet project needs and deliver exceptional outcomes.

Waterfall is a tried-and-true methodology that involves a structured, sequential approach to development. It’s particularly well-suited for projects with clear, well-defined requirements. We leverage the Waterfall approach when a project’s needs align with this methodology, ensuring that every phase is meticulously planned and executed.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is another approach in our toolkit. It’s perfect for projects that require quick prototyping and iterative development. RAD’s emphasis on user feedback and rapid iterations allows us to create software that closely aligns with user expectations, making it ideal for dynamic projects.

Feature-Driven Development (FDD) is yet another methodology we offer. FDD focuses on designing and building features as individual units, making it suitable for complex, feature-rich projects. By breaking the project into manageable components, we ensure that each feature is developed with precision and efficiency.

Our adaptable approach doesn’t stop at these methodologies. We tailor our development processes to meet the specific needs of your project, whether it’s a classic Waterfall approach, rapid development with RAD, or feature-centric development with FDD.

In conclusion, smartData’s adaptability is a key strength. This flexible approach allows us to create software that aligns with your vision and delivers exceptional outcomes, regardless of the development methodology that best suits your project.

Recent Portfolio Projects

Product Information Management System

Organizations waste way too much money and time pushing paper to process purchase orders. Retrieving meaningful insights is practically impossible because of the paper-driven process and disparate data blocks. This application is an all in one online platform that can help you automate and manage most of your business activities such as purchase order management , content management system for your [...]

Product Information Management System

Point of Care Wound Management Platform

The application identifies wound size, shape, area and volume using artificial intelligence (AI) to measure wound circumference, type and progress. It is a platform that allows multiple care facilities to manage wound healing progress rate and wound treatment supplies. The HIPAA compliant mobile app provides access to real-time wound status and the information is stored for further review from care [...]

Point of Care Wound Management Platform

Insurance Marketplace

Currently Insurance certificates are physically issued at the border. This platform will help in digitizing the system and allowing customer to buy the policy from this marketplace. This platform offers 3 interfaces: 1/ Customer interface to review and buy the policy by online/offline mode, 2/ Vendor interface to managing insurance products and other details and 3/ Controller interface will allow controllers [...]

Insurance Marketplace


Project aims to develop a comprehensive Mobile Workforce Management and Compliance Reporting solution tailored specifically for companies operating in the field of security services. This innovative platform will seamlessly integrate both web and mobile applications to enhance the efficiency, accountability, and compliance of security personnel in the field.  With Mobile Workforce Management and Compliance Reporting solution, we aim to empower [...]


Ride Sharing and Package Delivery

The company is providing logistics and delivery services to corporates like 7Eleven, IGA, Distribution centers, and others. With this system, they combine Parcel Delivery & Ride Sharing covering both corporates & individuals. They started with one city and then launched their services at the national level covering the states of Australia. Also partnered with an electric vehicle company that is [...]

Ride Sharing and Package Delivery

Document and Process Automation Platform

An enterprise-level fintech & document-driven workflow automation platform. integrated document workflow solutions transform traditional roadblocks like accounts payable processing, document management, forms, and inventory/project management for industries including aged care, mining, retail, and manufacturing. It's an integrated platform allowing companies to plugin within other third-party platforms to handle & transmit data/info/processes etc in a secure & efficient manner.

Document and Process Automation Platform

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Global Talent Pool

Nearly 1,000 developers across three offshore locations.

Proven Track Record

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Worldwide Presence

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Silicon valley roots

Embodied with a Silicon Valley mindset and expertise