Real Time Tracking and Compliance

Real Time Tracking and Compliance

Real Time Tracking and Compliance

In the realm of Real-Time Tracking and Compliance, smartData stands as a trailblazer, redefining how businesses monitor operations and ensure compliance with regulations. Our journey in this domain is marked by a profound understanding of the pivotal role real-time tracking and compliance play in modern business operations.

Our solutions empower businesses to monitor operations in real-time, reducing risks and optimizing compliance processes. We understand that transparency and compliance are paramount in reducing risks and maintaining operational integrity.

Our expertise encompasses real-time tracking technology, compliance automation, and regulatory analysis. We ensure that businesses have the tools to monitor their operations, automate compliance processes, and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements.

In addition to real-time monitoring, our solutions prioritize user-friendly compliance tools. We provide businesses with platforms that are not just efficient but also easy to use, enhancing adoption and engagement.

Join us in the journey of Real-Time Tracking and Compliance, where smartData’s experience, expertise, and commitment to excellence are your trusted guide in maintaining transparent and compliant operations with minimized risks.

Recent Portfolio Projects

Hygiene Management application

The platform connects hygiene management facility administrators with their staff to generate Hygiene reports for various stores managed by facilities. Senior care facilities, grocery stores, restaurants, and factories are examples of such facilities. The platforms use a checklist to calculate scores and generate hygiene reports based on eight parameters, including personal health, facility management, cleanliness, important management points, 3 S [...]

Hygiene Management application

Line Inspection Platform

Cloud-based geospatial platform displaying poles and stations over the map using KML implementation and perform real-time inspections improving operational efficiency in the system. With help of reports, stakeholders are getting a summarized view of which poles/transmission lines need repair work, and build survey module helps contractor to establish lines in new areas.

Line Inspection Platform

Oil and Gas enterprise mineral management system

A suite of software products for the upstream oil & gas industry. It manages the geological surveys, drilling & exploration, wells management and petroleum production optimisation to mineral asset management. The product automates the wells' life cycle management comprising of planning, drilling, completion, production and abandonment. The CRM enables acquisition and management of different types of mineral asset ownership. The [...]

Oil and Gas enterprise mineral management system

Risk Management Tracker System

It is a loss control & prevention SaaS web and mobile platform that tracks, manages, and provide risk recommendation analytics & alerts in realtime. Helps property and construction insurers to securely manage & analyse on loss prevention information to reduce claims.

Risk Management Tracker System

Asset wear management platform

Build this proposed asset wear management solution that assists owners (Shovels, undercarriage, etc) in managing the wear of the asset and getting full the most out of them. The software enables enterprises to achieve maximum availability and optimal life from their crawler undercarriage as the Undercarriage/shovels are high-value wear items and can cost large maintenance amounts and installation. The software [...]

Asset wear management platform

Business Filing Automation

Platform providing comprehensive online business incorporation, other legal and corporate compliance services to business owners across all states of USA. It serves and provides specific interfaces for business owners, registered CPAs and in house staff that process leads and order management on behalf of business owners and customers of CPAs.

Business Filing Automation

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smartData Benefits

Global Talent Pool

Nearly 1,000 developers across three offshore locations.

Proven Track Record

Delivered over 5,000 diverse software applications globally.

Worldwide Presence

Strong foothold in the US, Australia, Europe, and Japan.

Silicon valley roots

Embodied with a Silicon Valley mindset and expertise