Digital Patient Engagement Tools

Digital Patient Engagement Tools

Digital Patient Engagement Tools

In the modern healthcare landscape, patient engagement is pivotal to delivering exceptional care. smartData’s Digital Patient Engagement Tools are designed to bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers, creating a more connected and informed healthcare experience.

Our solutions are built on the foundation of IoT and device integrations, enabling personalized care plans, remote patient monitoring, and seamless communication between patients and their healthcare teams. This connectivity empowers patients to take an active role in their health, while healthcare providers can offer timely interventions and guidance.

Digital Patient Engagement Tools not only improve the patient experience but also drive better health outcomes. Patients can conveniently access health information, track their progress, and communicate with their providers. Healthcare providers, in turn, gain valuable insights into patient health and can provide timely recommendations.

With our extensive experience in IoT and device integrations, we ensure that data flows seamlessly from various sources, such as wearables, medical devices, and electronic health records, into a unified platform. This enables comprehensive patient monitoring and actionable insights for both patients and healthcare providers.

smartData’s Digital Patient Engagement Tools pave the way for a more connected and informed healthcare ecosystem. Embrace the future of patient-centered care, where individuals are actively engaged in their health, and healthcare providers have the tools they need to deliver precise and timely care.

Recent Portfolio Projects

Mental Health Therapy Platform

A digital therapeutics (DTx) platform that delivers evidence-based therapeutic interventions to mental health patients. It gathers, studies and analyses multiple data points of a patient’s physical, mental and behavioral traits during the treatment and customizes interventions that evolve as the program progresses. This digital platform provides three major offerings- intervention, engagement and patient-reported outcomes to provide post-diagnosis treatment to patients by tracking [...]

Mental Health Therapy Platform

Remote Patient Monitoring

SAAS based platform where multiple organisations can register and perform their own operations i.e. provide care to the Patients Based upon the Vitals from the devices. This envision to maximize the impact of engagement through remote healthcare channels such as mobile, cloud, applications and innovative technologies like biometric monitoring with wearables. It’s a B2B2C platform where they are offering multiple [...]

Remote Patient Monitoring

SAAS based Telehealth Platform

A SaaS-based platform that acts as a bridge between the community (clinic/providers) and patients. The platform will cater needs of different types of patients/users- Insured/Uninsured Individual Users and employees. The proposed application will allow site visitors to search providers for consultation (Online, or in person) based on their medical conditions or requirement. They can either consult the provider on an [...]

SAAS based Telehealth Platform

Remote monitoring platform for virtual wards

Virtual care platform helping hospitals to work on the aim of NHS maximizing virtual wards across the country to reduce the number of stays within the hospitals and addressing the staff shortage problem. This will be a cloud-based technology platform for remote patient monitoring and engagement at virtual wards. It enables personalized virtual care through assigned care pathways predicting risk [...]

Remote monitoring platform for virtual wards

Remote Exam App

The objective of app will work as an intermediate between the general medical observation devices and the system (server). It will collect the data (medical observations) given by the medical devices through BLE and submit the data to the server. It is a SaaS-based solution, that gathers all patient data collected from various implemented medical devices, performed by medical staff [...]

Remote Exam App

Pre natal and post natal support services app

This solution aims to provide comprehensive support and guidance to women during their prenatal and postnatal journeys. Through an initial consultation, users will be matched with a suitable care team who will be available around the clock to assist as needed. In addition to personalized consultations, the platform will offer educational sessions and content to support women throughout their pregnancy [...]

Pre natal and post natal support services app

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